Period: 01.01.2016 - 18.02.2025
Total number of records: 8203
Minister of Defence Bratislav Gaić met today with Bishop of Lipljan and Military Bishop kyr Dositej, with whom he spoke about the chaplaincy service in the Serbian Armed Forces, its significance and ...
A NATO delegation headed by Rear Admiral Thorsten Marx, Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS J-9) Allied Joint Force Command Naples, is visiting the Republic of Serbia to carry out Expert Staff Talks with ...
A tank battalion of the 4th Army Brigade is currently conducting regular training in the combat use of the M-84 tank in the units peacetime training areas and exercise grounds.
Mechanized units of the 1st Army Brigade are currently conducting training in the combat use of principal combat systems, to help professional members achieve a high degree of proficiency and ...
To mark the anniversaries of the deaths of field marshals Živojin Miić and Petar Bojović, and Army General Pavle Juriić turm, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces ...