NewsAnnouncementStatementsInternational military cooprationArchivePhotoarchiveVideoarchive DOCUMENTSForm 1 – Request for access to information of public importancepdfForm 1 – Request for access to information of public importancedocForm 2 – Notice of the disclosure of the document containing the requested information and provision of the copy thereofpdfForm 2 – Notice of the disclosure of the document containing the requested information and provision of the copy thereofdocForm 3 - Appeal against the determination of public authority to refuse or dismiss the request for access to informationpdfForm 3 - Appeal against the determination of public authority to refuse or dismiss the request for access to informationdocForm 4 – Appeal against public authority’s failure to respond (to respond in full) to the request of the information seeker within the time limit pdfForm 4 – Appeal against public authority’s failure to respond (to respond in full) to the request of the information seeker within the time limit doc