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Pre-release of the documentary film "Serbs on Corfu"

The screening was attended by Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric, representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, diplomatic corps and the media.
Recalling the great ordeal of the Serbian people and the Serbian contribution to the Allied victory in First World War, State Secretary Neric said that at that time 240 thousand lives were lost through hunger, cold and disease and the survivors found rescue on the Greek island of Corfu.

As pointed out by Minister Vulin, the audience was able tonight to view the story of Serbs in Corfu, their courage, loyalty and keeping the oath, exactly one century ago.
- Anyone who knows the Serbs, knows two things – one is that the Serbs value freedom above all, and that freedom is the only thing they are not willing to give up at any price, and the other – that nothing is created faster than the Serbian army. It is necessary to give them a commander who they love and respect, the value to defend, and they know that it is called freedom, and there is the most powerful army in the world, which exists as long as what they defend exists – freedom. Such are the Serbs! - Minister Vulin said.

The documentary film "Serbs on Corfu - A hundred years since the Albanian Golgotha" was realized in co-production of Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Defence.

The film presents new and previously unreleased photos and video material that was recorded by the Allied armies (France, UK and Italy) during the stay of the Serbian army in Albania and its evacuation to the Greek island of Corfu. All the sufferings, horrors and tragedies that struck the Serbian state in those days, were told and shown at authentic locations in Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece.

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