Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting between Assistant Minister Bandić and NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General

Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić met today with the NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Javier Colomina Píriz, as part of the latter’s visit to the Republic of Serbia.

Assistant Minister Bandić said that military neutrality was Serbia's foreign policy priority and that it did not pose an obstacle for cooperation with NATO. He said that despite all the events that had a negative impact on stability at the regional and global levels, Serbia was making every effort to ensure continued cooperation with the Alliance and all other partners, particularly with the countries in the region, in accordance with its national interests.
Speaking about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Assistant Minister Bandić indicated that Serbia was committed to dialogue as the best way to address all issues. He particularly stressed the importance of consistent implementation of UNSCR 1244, the Military Technical Agreement and all other agreements concluded so far.

Assistant Minister Bandić expressed his expectation that KFOR would act in an impartial and status-neutral way, in accordance with its mandate, UNSCR 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement, and that it would be the first and only force to respond to all situations where the safety of the non-Albanian population was threatened.

NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General Colomina emphasized the importance of holding open talks with Serbian representatives, discussing ways to improve partnership and other issues of common interest, while respecting Serbia’s needs and its policy of military neutrality.

According to him, KFOR is fully capable of continuing to carry out its tasks in accordance with UNSCR 1244. With over 3,700 members from 27 countries, including NATO members and partner countries, Colomina said, KFOR can guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo and Metohija. Colomina indicated that KFOR was fully prepared to intervene if stability, security or freedom of movement were threatened.