Advisory visit of members of the Joint Force Command Naples
A three-day advisory visit of a five-member officer team from the Joint Force Command Naples organized by the Operations Department of General Staff at “Banjica 2” barracks in Belgrade has finished today.

The five-member officer team from the Joint Force Command Naples has rendered the national evaluation team and the Army management of the tactical exercise expert support in preparation of the exercise and evaluation of the Serbian Armed Forces declared units, which will be conducted from 16th until 27th October 2017 in the South base near Bujanovac.

Besides members of the Serbian Armed Forces and representatives of the Joint Force Command Naples, the evaluators from NATO member and partner countries will take part in the upcoming tactical exercise and evaluation level 1 and 2 of the Serbian Armed Forces declared units in the Operational Capabilities Concept (a light infantry company, an engineering general support company, a MP platoon and a CBRN platoon).