Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

A New Year`s Gala Concert of the Art Ensemble “Stanislav Binički“

The Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence “Stanislav Binički“ has held a New Year`s gala concert this evening in the “Sava“ Center, conducted by Dejan Savić, Director of the Opera of the National Theatre in Belgrade. The concert was attended by the Minister of Defence Nebojša Rodić, the ministers of the Government of Serbia, Chief of General Staff General Ljubiša Diković, the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and many guests.

The audience enjoyed the performance of the soprano singer Suzana Šuvaković-Savić, prima donna of the Opera of the National Assembly in Belgrade and Romol Tisa, a celebrated tenor singer from Italy. In the two songs they were accompanied by Branislav Lečić and Nevena Ristić, the actors of the TV serial and film “Military Academy“, while the protagonists of the same film and TV serial Branko Janković and Ivan Mihailović hosted the concert. The actress Dijana Jovičić has recited the lyrics of the “Never-Dying Poem“ by the poet Miroslav Antić, accompanied by a violinist Radmila Vardalić.

The concert hosts were reading the libretto fragments before each aria what made it even more enjoyable to the audience. A famous arias from the operas “Madama Butterfly“, “La Bohème“,
“Tosca“ and “Turandot“ by Giacomo Puccini, “Eugene Onegin“ by Peter I. Tchaikovsky were performed along with Neapolitan songs and recently worldwide popular music compositions.

The concert was for the fourth successive year organized on the occasion of the New Year with traditional guest performance of famous opera singers and personalities from the world of culture and art with whom the Ministry of Defence had a successful cooperation during the year.