Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The meeting of Chief of the military schols in SEE

The first meeting of the chief of military educational institutions in the region was held today at the Central Military Club . The aim of the meeting, which was attended by representatives of Serbia , Montenegro, Croatia , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Macedonia , as well as Norwegian and British envoys defense was defining a model for enhancing regional cooperation in the field of military education .

Participants exchanged daily experiences in the field of undergraduate studies and career development of officers at all levels in 4 panel discussions, while the cooperation in the field of scientific research and military publications was also discussed.

Welcoming the participants the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia Nebojsa Rodic said he was pleased that the meeting " of the most eminent people in the field of military education in the region " is being held in Belgrade , and said that he hoped the capital would host a conference that will include all the countries of South Eastern Europe that express interest in cooperation with our University of Defense .

" I intend to devote a good portion of my time and powers to using so as to make our military educational institutions more recognizable in the time to come , to turn the University of Defence into a stimulating and prospective institution, not only for our system but for the Serbian education in general ," the minister said cousin.

The Minister also spoke about the importance of education and said that military education , due to its characteristics , is an especially important resource .

"We will do everything , for which we have support of the most responsible people in the government of the Republic of Serbia , to achieve such a level of education in the Army that will be recognizable and respectable ," said Rodic , adding that “ just as much we care about a high level of combat readiness , we believe it is important to achieve a level of education of our members and young people who are coming . "

Rector of the University of Defence , Lieutenant General Miodrag Jevtic , opening the meeting , introduced the institution of higher education, which soon celebrates three years of existence , and recalled that Serbia has a 160-year tradition of military education.

He said that the University of Defence is harmonized with the academic community in Serbia, and that the higher education institutions so far have had 25 accredited study programs at 4 levels of training.

Norwegian Defense Attaché in Belgrade, Colonel Esben Aass said he expected of today’s meeting which is supported by the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom , to give rise to new ideas in the area of military education He emphasized the importance of the principle of equal opportunities for men and women in the military education system , which Norway attaches great attention to.

All participants in the first meeting, the chief military educational institutions in the region are expected to be set to strengthen cooperation , for which there is a lot of room , and head of the Military Academy, Major - General Mladen Vuruna emphasizes the area of basic, master and doctoral students , joint projects and publishing papers , exchange of cadets and participation in smaller exercises , with the possibility of joint lectures via video link.

The representatives of the Royal College of London also shared their experience with the participants of the conference.