Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: Serbia desires that all the Serbs, no matter where they live, are safe, peaceful and protected

“On behalf of members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, to all those who today celebrate the holiday of Christ’s birth, I wish happy holiday and I wish that they spent it with their families, thinking about their Serbia, and being peaceful, happy, satisfied, and that they lived in a safe and stable country” stated Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin who spent Christmas with members of the Serbian Armed Forces in the base Trmka in the Ground Safety Zone.
Today, the minister of defence pointed out that on that great holiday we should think about our fellow citizens, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbs in the Republic of Srpska, in Croatia, and the Serbs in Montenegro, and their struggle for the right to believe in their God, to visit their church, speak their language, write in their own script.

“The way they treat the Serbs is the way they treat Serbia. The way they treat our Cyrillic script and our church is the way they treat each of us. On these days of holiday, the state of Serbia sends a message of peace, it desires accord, unity, and above all it desires that all the Serbia, no matter where they live, are safe, peaceful, protected and not to be the only people in Europe, the only people in the world, that has to fight for its right to speak its language, write in its own script and pay in its own churches” Minister Vulin said.

“The Serbs deserve to enjoy the same human rights that apply to every other people, and they do not deserve to fight for something that they with satisfaction and proudly grant in their own country to everyone. I wish we thought of all the Serbs, I wish we thought of all people, I wish we were today unified, in harmony, and I wish that we gathered around our own people and preserved our country, our Serbia, the only and beloved one” Minister Vulin stated.