Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition "NATO aggression in 1999 � not to be forgotten" opens

In the Grand Gallery of the Central Military Club today, an exhibition by academic painter Milena Culjic - "NATO Aggression in 1999 - not to be forgotten" has been opened, organized jointly by Odbrana Media Centre and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia.

On behalf of the Minister of Defence, the exhibition was opened by Milos Jankovic, Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Material Resources.

He pointed out that this exhibition was prepared to commemorate the victims of the NATO aggression against the then FRY and through photographs, a kind of guardians of the past, it reminds of the time of injustice and our suffering 17 years ago. The exhibition shows the suffering of the military, but also the citizens, "it opens the wounds and talks about the depth of the suffering through which our people had gone during that period."

- With all due reverence we have to bow our heads because of all those who did not survive all those 78 days and nights of war spring 1999. More than 3,500 people perished and more than 12,000 were injured. What we can do and what we need to do is to take their suffering away from oblivion, with everything we built from the rubble that remained after a relentless attack and bombardment. We breathed their life, their youth, unfulfilled dreams and hope. Today, by this exhibition, we wake up the sense of unity and belonging, we pay tribute to the victims, but also the survivors – those who fought to preserve the honour, face and dignity of the country – Jankovic said.

At the opening of the exhibition, speeches were delivered by Major Borko Lepojevic from the Odbrana Media Centre and Lieutenant General retired Petar Skrbic, MSc, from the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia.

General Skrbic said that this exhibition is "durable, timeless and always current". With its text and photographs it reminds in a documentary way of aggression, defence of the fatherland, the victims of aggression, environmental consequences, protests of citizens in our country and in the world, living under NATO bombs, the overall impact. He thanked the Odbrana Media Centre, for enabling the exhibition to be displayed in the gallery of the Central Military Club.

The exhibition was first shown at the Sava Centre on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the NATO aggression.