- About MoD
Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Documents
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- Contacts
Focus group trials on gender equality
At the Strategic Planning Department of the Defence Policy Sector a trial in focus groups was held, which included women and men with the rank of lieutenant, who enrolled in the Military Academy in 2007/2008 and were promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 2012.
Respondents, on behalf of the organizers of the activity, were welcomed by State Secretary Zoran Djordjevic, who is also the chairman of the Political Council of the Government for the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security in the Republic of Serbia (2010-2015), and Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Defence Policy Sector Brigadier General Slobodan Joksimovic, MSc, who is also deputy president Multisectoral Coordination Body of the Government for the implementation of the aforementioned plan.
The tests were conducted by members of the Analytical Group of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces for the analysis of the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security in the Republic of Serbia (2010-2015).
- About MoD
- Jurisdiction
- Organisation scheme
- Description of duties
- Minister and Associates
- Minister
- State Secretary
- Assistant Ministers
- Secretary of the Ministry of Defence
- Sectors
- Defence Policy Sector
- Human Resources Sector
- Material Resources Sector
- Budget and Finanance Sector
- Sector for Infrastructure and Hospitality Services
- Special Internal Units
- Secretariat
- Office of the Minister of Defence
- Military Attorney's Office
- Administrative Bodies within MoD
- Defence Inspectorate
- Military Intelligence Agency
- Military Security Agency
- Autonomous Departments
- Public Relations Department
- Military Healthcare Department
- Higher Education Institution
- Defence University
- Specific internal units
- Inspector General of the Services
- Internal Audit Section
- Documents
- Services
- Sport
- Archive
- Contacts