Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Commander Beric's Cup

Marking the 70th anniversary of victory over fascism, the Association Modelers Club Novi Sad, International Plastic Modelers Society Novi Sad (IPMS) Serbia and the SAF Riverine Flotilla organized the first International Modelers Competition.

In the Technological Faculty in Novi Sad, modelers from the UK, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia presented in the course of the competition part of the program 253, and in the exhibition part around 50 models of ships, submarines, airplanes, helicopters and other means of war equipment from various periods, and therefore presented a unique collection of war equipment to the visitors of the manifestation.

The jury, composed of members of national modelers clubs and representatives of the Riverine Flotilla, presented the acknowledgement for the best model to Djordje Latovljevic, modeler of the Ship Modelers Society Panon from Pancevo, for the model of the first Serbian battleship, armoured ship Jadar, whose completion in the Belgrade Shipyard in Cukarica on 6th August 1915 is marked as the Day of River Units and the Riverine Flotilla.

During the competition, the participants also visited Aleksandar Beric barracks, where they visited its memorial room and the winter house. Dr. Sinisa Vlacic held a lecture on the state and trends in the development of combat aircrafts.

For the first time, one of the competition modeling categories, the construction of allied ships from WWII, was named “Commander Beric’s Cup”, in honour of Battleship Lieutenant First Class Aleksandar Beric, hero of the April war and the renowned Commander of Drava Monitor. Latovljevic, member of Panon from Pancevo, also won in this category with his model of the Royal Navy Nebojsa, constructed based on acquired data and sketches.

The Riverine Flotilla has successfully cooperated with modelers from Novi Sad for years, and they regularly attend the Flotilla’s “Open Day” activities, and together they participate in the manifestation Night of Museums.

Budimir M. POPADIC