Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Binicki and Magnifico at the International Festival in Matera

Binicki and Magnifico at the International Festival in MateraStanislav Binicki Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence, and popular Slovenian musician Magnifico, gave a concert last night as part of the international music festival in the Italian city of Matera.

It is about a three-day event in the square of San Giovanni Matera, which was organized in honour of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of First World War aiming to promote the idea that militaries replace weapons with musical instruments, violence with love, and ignorance with wisdom.

Conductor of the Art Ensemble Major Igor Mitrovic said that the impressions after the concert were great and that the four-year collaboration with Magnifico is getting more intense and every performance better, and that the crown of joint performance will be a concert at Sava Centre in Belgrade on 18 October.

- Although this evening's repertoire has mainly consisted of songs in the Serbian language, Italian audience greeted most of the performance by numerous applauses – Major Mitrovic said.

Binicki and Magnifico at the International Festival in MateraAccording to Robert Pesut Magnifico, who started the show with the words "we did not come to conquer your country, but your heart and soul", the Italian audience was eagerly waiting to see and hear the unusual combination of Slovenian band and Serbian military orchestra.

Repertoire with music from films Montevideo, God Bless You and Montevideo, see you! included also songs from Magnifico's previous albums such as Here I come, I'll kill you, Just a minute, Serbian business, I think and Here I am folks, as well as several new songs including Bosangero and We'll meet again.

Matera is a town in southern Italy, and the old part of the city, thanks to ancient building construction, was added to the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The picturesque town, because of its beauty and specific architecture, hosts numerous cultural events, and is a candidate for the European Capital of Culture in 2019.