Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Cooperation with the UK in health care

The delegation of the Ministry of Defense, headed by the Chief of the Military Health Department Brigadier General prof. Zoran Popovic, visited the 2nd medical care brigade of the UK armed forces in York where they were acquainted with the capacities of the military hospital and observed the simulation of Field Hospital “Bastion Role 3.”

The delegation visited the training ground for UK military medical services and capacities deployed in the exercise, the fuselage model of "Chinook" helicopter  in which an 8-member prompt response team is practicing providing first aid to casulties, as well as the model of the "Bastion" field hospital located in the province of Helmand in Afghanistan.

Brigadier General prof. Popovic said that there was room for this simulation to be implemented in Serbia, in order to improve the existing exercise capacities. He suggested that the possibility of sending the members of the MoD medical services to participate in joint exercises of this type with the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom be considered in the future as a form of mutual support to troops to participate in international missions in the future.

Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (Health) Major General Jeremy Rowan supported the proposal to send members of the medical service to  joint exercises and training in the UK. He also said that the research in the field of toxicology in Serbia was more advanced, and that, in addition to war surgery, that might prove to be another area of cooperation that the British side would like to establish with the Medical Services of the Armed Forces of Serbia.