Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

LTG Miletic's interview to Pravda

Lieutenant General Miloje Miletic’s specialty is artillery, has completed all the military schools, served in several garrisons, served as the commander of the Serbian Army Chief of Staff (VS). In his interview to "Pravda" he talks is about the relationship of the SAF with NATO and the Russian Federation Armed Forces, on active and passive reserve and on equipping units with modern combat equipment ...

Does is it mean that modeling SAF in terms of creating of organizational-mobilization military, after the NATO , a kind of preparation for accession to the Alliance?
- Transforming the Army began in 2006. We sought for best organizational solutions, however we did not opt for solutions that for NATO solutions in order to join the Alliance. We applied the solution which we thought would yield the best possible results, and are used by all modern armies worldwide, which was a combination of circumstances and the fact that they are NATo members. Joining NATO is not a military but rather a political issue. It is the state which is accepted into the NATO, and only the state wil decide on this.

When you met with Russian Chief of General Staff, Gen. Nikolai Makarov 2-3 months ago, how do you assess the cooperation between the two armies? Why is this cooperation at a lower level of cooperation than with the Ohio National Guard?

- The first meeting with General Makarov was in February this year in Brussels. Then we concluded that the military cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Serbian Armed Forces is not compatible with the overall cooperation of Serbia and with the Russian Federation and in terms of this we are not satisfied. During his stay in Serbia , we agreed that there was room for further improvement of cooperation and in the areas of education and training, joint exercises and small units including military economic cooperation. As regards cooperation with the National Guard of Ohio, it is carried out within the State Partnership Program established in 2006.

Is the Serbian Armyready to counter to major risks and threats, such as threats to the peace in the southern parts of Serbia , that is, from Kosovo?
- Our assessment of the current security situation in the region is such that at present there are no serious threats to security in the south of central Serbia, or from Kosovo and Metohija. The situation in the region is highly sensitive, but I do not agree that we are in any danger whatsoever. The Serbian Army is able to respond to potential threats to security. Compared to neighboring countries, our military is a respectable force.

SAF has not been equipped with modern weapons for over 25 years. Is there any chance of this happening any time soon?
- I do not agree with that statement. We have sufficient quantities of weapons and military equipment. In 2011 we plan to continue with the procurement of IT, military and police equipment and aircraft for initial pilot training aircrafts type "Lasta". We plan to equip the existing aircraft search and rescue units, and to procure resources required for air surveillance and reporting. However, we need multi-purpose fighter aircrafts, and modern systems of air defense.

In the organization of the wartime armed forces, both active and passive reserve were introduced, modeled on the U.S. Army.What are the benefits of joining the professional army of Serbia, besides having a regular job and a paycheck, join the reserve forces of the Serbian Army?

- We did not include rese3rve units modeled after the U.S. forces, as almost all modern armies of the world have reserve units. It is a cost-effective approach to organizing the army. During the engagement of the unit, training, exercises or otherwise, a soldier will receive a salary based on position he holds, pension and disability insurance benefits insurance, will have health care, food, lodging, etc.. Legislation for the establishment of active and passive reserves is not fully completed because they are not adopted by-laws. This process is just underway.

What does the participation in peacekeeping missions mean for SAF?
- From 2002 year to date a total of 212 AF members participated in peacekeeping missions. We are currently present in peacekeeping missions in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Congo and more recently in Cyprus and Lebanon. While engaging in multinational operations, the Army of Serbia have had the opportunity to work and gain experience in an international environment and to improve the professional and personal level. The experience they gained in and return with from missions is invaluable. Officers are also trained to work in the contemporary international environment Staff.

What is being done on the new units deployed in terms building the necessary infrastructure?

- We have halved the number of garrisons and garrison posts by leaving a number of military compounds. The main priority is to provide storage for weaponry.

In 2006, there were about 11,200 tons of low-octane explosive stored in the open. Currently we have some 1000 tons which will be resolved by June 2011. Right now we are building more facilities for the storage of ammunition within the existing warehouse. Last year we finalized the "JUG" base in Bujanovac, and I believe that it will largely be used for international military cooperation. The idea of a building a new military base in Jakovo in Nis, James, where w hope to station units will be implemented in the future.

How many members of SAF have solved their housing issues and what being is done to alleviate the problem?
- The defense system has some 9800 who are do not have their housing issue solved and about 3,600 of those who are retired. Since 2007 until now2900 members have had their problem solved in terms of being provided flats, and in 2010 alone more than 1,000 members have been given flats. The main way of solving housing problems in the future will be approving a housing loan.

Defense of the fatherland is matter of honor

Soon it will the professionalization of the Serbian Armed Forces will be finalized . The soldiers, however, are not paid as professionals are in other armies. Therefore is there any possibility of leaving the unit in case of imminent danger?

-Our army has never defended our country because of being paid. Defending the homeland has always been a matter of honor. We are not satisfied with a salary of professional soldiers and the standard he hoped to reach in the process of professionalizing the army. We do not expect any outflow of personnel in case of escalation. We still have professional soldiers who were with us in 1999.