During a routine check of the status of materials, armaments and ammunition in warehouses in the Belgrade garrison, in one of them the following was found to be missing: seventy 9 mm CZ-99 semi-automatic pistols, five 7.62 mm M-70 AB2 automatic rifles and two crates 7,62 mm and 9 mm ammunition.
Immediately after determining the lack of weapons and ammunition, the Defence Minister of and the Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff have set up commissions to establish the cause of the emergency event. The investigative actions included the Military Security Agency, the Military Police and the Prosecutor's Office. The public will be duly informed about the results of the investigation.
Defence Minister ordered the emergency checks of all warehouses storing personal weapons and equipment.
In order to increase the physical and technical security of military depots, Defence Minister and Chief of the Security Council have already taken appropriate actions and the 2017 Acquisition Plan envisages substantial funds for purchasing of equipment that will enable enhanced video surveillance of such facilities. For a more effective control, the new video surveillance systems will be connected with the existing centralized electronic surveillance system.