Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit of the National Defence College of Kenya

Visit of the National Defence College of Kenya
Participants of the National Defence College of the Republic of Kenya, led by Major General A.  K.  Ikenye is on a one-week study visit to the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
During the study visit, the Kenyan delegation visited the Military Academy, the Military Medical Academy and they were presented organisational units of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces. The study group includes one participant from each of the Republic of Uganda, Botswana and Tanzania.
During the visit to the Military Academy, the participants of the highest Kenyan military institution got acquainted with the history of the Serbian military education, the organisation and competencies of the Military Academy, as well as the areas that are studied in basic, master and doctoral academic studies. The guests were briefed about all levels of career training, as well as the possibility of training members of foreign armed forces at the Military Academy and the University of Defence.
On this occasion, the Deputy Director of the National Defence College of the Republic of Kenya, General Major Ikenye, presented the objectives of the visit of the college students, as well as the military institution from which they come and expressed their satisfaction with the warm welcome and comprehensive presentation of military education system in Serbia.
In the Military Medical Academy, the work of this prestigious institution in the field of treatment, scientific research work, as well as education and training was presented; the Kenyan representatives were very interested to hear about the latest treatment methods applied at the MMA, experiences in treating tropical diseases, transplantation, as well as the treatment of malignant diseases, tuberculosis and HIV.
The most important activities of the Serbian Armed Forces and organisational units of the General Staff were presented to the guests from Kenya at the Topčider barracks. Representatives of the Jpint Operations Command, Planning and Development Department, Logistics Department and Training and Doctrine Department informed the guests about the engagement of the Armed Forces, the development of capabilities, and the concept of logistical support in operations and training and exercises at the national and multinational level.
In the following days, the participants of the National Defence College of the Republic of Kenya will visit the Military Technical Institute and the testing ground in Nikinci, and will also have the opportunity to learn about the capacities of the Serbian Defence Industry.