Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

"Open Day" in Pozarevac

At the Army Training Centre in "General Pavle Jurisic Sturm" barracks in Pozarevac, today, the "Open Day" campaign of the Serbian Armed Forces has been held. The visitors, most numerous among them being children, were able to see where the soldiers live, how are they trained, displaying a part of the armament and military equipment used by the army.

Commander of the Training Centre Colonel Dragan Mesarovic said that the Centre is the proud host of the citizens of Pozarevac, primarily of the children from primary schools and kindergartens.

- The "Open Day" campaign has many objectives and includes a series of effects that we wish to achieve. First of all we would like to present to the citizens what we have, how we live and what we do, and then to animate the younger population, who have not yet opted for the profession they will pursue, and show them the attractiveness of the military calling, both of the professional soldier and the non-commissioned officer, Colonel Mesarovic said.

"General Pavle Jurisic Sturm" barracks was visited by several hundred citizens who spent time with the members of the Training Centre.