Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Beginning of studies for the 5th class of Advanced Security and Defence Studies

Ceremony to mark the beginning of the training of participants of 5th class of Advanced Security and Defence Studies was held today in the amphitheatre of the Centre for Simulation and Distance Learning of the Military Academy. The ceremony was attended by Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic with members of the Collegium, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, University of Defence, Chief of Advanced Security and Defence Studies Colonel Zoran Lucic, professors and lecturers as well as students of the National Defence School.

Congratulating the beginning of training to the new generation of the highest level of training in our military education system, acting Assistant Minister for Human Resources Milos Jankovic stressed that the study programme and structure of selected participants best speak about the importance of education, studying different approaches and the challenges we are facing in the field of security at the global level.

- You will be the privileged beneficiaries of services and capacities that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, other ministries and agencies of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, selected teachers of our faculty, and our distinguished foreign partners provide. You will have an active and constructive role, much wider than the one you had at your workplaces, as you enter the circle of people that will be in the next decade politically or professionally responsible for everything that happens in the security system – said to the participants Assistant Defence Minister Jankovic.

Chief of the National Defence School Colonel Dr. Miroslav Talijan expressed, on this occasion, his belief that teachers and 15 students of the5th class of these prestigious studies, including three members of foreign armies, will maintain the level of excellent achievements.

Advanced Security and Defence Studies are an organizational unit in the National Defence School that annually realizes the highest level of training of officers and employees of the Ministry of Defence. Participants of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies are senior officials of other departments and agencies of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and other countries in the region. The main objective of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies is education and preparing the students from the Republic of Serbia and the countries in the region to take high office posts in the national security.