Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

�Our children" for the fifth time in front of the audience

In the traditional, the fifth consecutive concert entitled "Our children", tonight, in the Central Military Club, accompanied by the "Stanislav Binicki" Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence, children of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces showed their musical skills.

The event, organized on the occasion of the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces, which has once again attracted the attention of music lovers, was attended by Zoran Djordjevic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, assistant ministers of defence, members of the Collegium of the Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, parents of the participants and others.

After the "The Pink Panther Theme" by Henry Mancini, the opening track, which was performed by "Stanislav Binicki" ensemble conducted by Pavle Medakovic, the first to appear before the audience was eleven-year-old Luka Tutunovic from Belgrade, pupil of the 3rd grade of primary music school, who played on the piano Sonatine by Diabelli.

Two girls from "Jovan Bandur" Pancevo Music School, ten-year-old Tara Stojcevski and a year older Elizabeta Jagica deserved applause of the audience - the former by her performance of "Lullaby for a puppy" on the harp, and the latter by the song "The fantasy", which is just one of the songs from her recently released CD, on which she wrote the text for some songs by herself.

"Onward Christian Soldiers", a well-known Sullivan’s composition was performed by flutists Kristina Stevanovic Tatjana Lalic and Tatjana Dedic, pupils of "Stanislav Binicki" Belgrade Music School, popularly called "Trio perspective", while brother and sister Vuk and Jovana Janjic from Belgrade played "Game" by Natalia Cormorant on the violin and the piano. In this block, Nikola Todorovic, young pianist from Valjevo successfully introduced himself to the audience by Chopin's composition Fantasie Impromptu.

Eleven-year-old Isidora Stoiljkovic from Belgrade cheered the audience by the song "Oro" by Jelena Tomasevic, and somewhat older student of the first grade of the 13th Belgrade High School, Jovana Mrdak, accompanied by estrade orchestra, kept them in a good mood singing "Get fire to the rain". An end to this block of "popular" music was put by Nikola Djordjevic who, supported by his professor Nikola Vujicic, played "Theme for Young Lovers" by Sheadows. The young boy from Belgrade has just turned 13 today, so it was an ideal opportunity for the congratulations on the open stage.

The last block of tonight's concert was marked by the strings and flute. Ten-year-old Stasa Petras from Belgrade, pupil of Peter Konjevic Music School opened it. Curiosity is that the orchestra that accompanied her this evening was conducted by her grandfather, former chief of the Music Service in the JNA, retired Colonel Mihajlo Petras. Sixteen-year-old violinist of Mokranjac Music School from Kraljevo, Marina Denovic has presented herself to the audience by performing “Nizam's separation”, while her fellow citizen Mary Colovic masterfully played the first part of Vivaldi's "Spring”.

Point to the tonight's concert, when it comes to children participants was successfully put by eighteen-year-old flutist Tijana Radovic from Valjevo, this year's Laureate of Subotica "FEMUS" performing the first part of Mozart’s Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in D Major.

Special guests of the concert were the participants in the TV show "Your face sounds familiar" Aleksa Jelic and Ana Kokic, who sang the famous compositions "She threw it all down by the River" and "I Will Survive”, and Telekom Serbia has traditionally handed over gift packages with mobile phones to all the participants.

Speaking about his impressions after the concert, State Secretary Zoran Djordjevic said that he felt great tonight and that children are our future:

- We could say that the programme in which we have enjoyed this evening is the other side of the Ministry of Defence, they are our successors and our future, and it is a nice tradition that I hope that will continue, Djordjevic said.

Aleksa Jelic and Ana Kokic expressed great satisfaction that they participated in a “wonderful evening“ and underlined that they were honoured to have played in the company of "Stanislav Binički" Art Ensemble.

- If there was any nervousness, it was gone when I saw the joy in the audience that we were together and that people recognized the energy that I have truly passed through the song – Ana Kokic said.

This year again, the jury had a difficult job to choose sixteen among more than seventy young artists who applied to present themselves to the audience in the Central Military Club tonight.