Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Rodic and SAF CHOD visit the 240th self-propelled rocket battalion

On the first day of the new year Defence Minister Nebojsa Rodic and SAF Chief of the General Staff , General Ljubisa Diković visited the 240th self-propelled antiaircraft missile battalion for operations in the " Jugovićevo " barracks in Novi Sad, which are in a continuous system of combat duty . This is one of the units which is part of the 250th antiaircraft missile brigade for operations that are at the highest level of alert year round and are tasked with the security of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia .

Minister Rodic and general Diković attended a regular control of readiness of missile system "Kuba " upon which occasion they assessed the level of readiness of 240 self-propelled missile battalion as being at a high level. General Diković wanted personally to verify the functioning of the system to do the duty unit and praised its members for demonstrated skills in dealing with combat systems.

At the meeting followed with 240 members of the Division, Minister Rodic said that the army and the security system, regardless of holidays, must operate continuously and efficiently . The Minister said that in the next year he will try to obtain more funds for the Army of Serbia, especially for its members who work in the units .

The visit of the Minister of Defence on the first day of the year , as General Diković remarked is a confirmation that 2014 will be a year of taking care of people , and that the most responsible people in the defense establishment will do everything in order to allow the members of the Army to carry out their tasks smoothly and efficiently . The Chief of Staff stressed the importance of care for the combat technique , especially in units such as the 250th Rocket Brigade .

Minister Rodic , in his distinctive manner , presented a personal gift to the members of the unit which on this occasion was a roast pig from Mt. Cer , which was served for lunch.