Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Wedding before the line of the 63rd Parachute Battalion

At Niš military airport, today, in front of the line of the 63rd Parachute Battalion of the Serbian Armed Forces Special Brigade, Sergeant Milan Nesic, paratrooper commando of the 1st Company of 63rd Parachute Battalion married Maja Grbic, a graduate psychologist.

- I am a member of the Serbian Armed Forces and I wanted to make it here, at the Nis military airport, at my second home, to get married with my beloved Maja. I am grateful to my friends and colleagues for organising this wonderful ceremony for us and performed the demo parachute jumps and made our day of wedding very special for us. I am sure that we will remember this day for life and it will be deeply engraved not only in our wedding rings but also in our hearts, Sergeant Nesic said.

Maja Grbic who became Maja Nesic as of today, says that she is very happy and did not regret for accepting the proposal by her husband to organise the wedding in front of the line, in a military setting.

The wedding took place within the ceremony marking the 14th October, the Day of formation of parachute units. The ceremony was attended by the Army Commander Lieutenant General Aleksandar Zivkovic , Special Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ilija Todorov, representatives of the local government of Nis, Serbian Orthodox Church, Ministry of the Interior, associations of veterans, families of the killed and wounded members of the parachute units, bikers from Serbia and abroad and other guests.