Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Success of SAF units at Shabla

Members of the 250th Rocket Brigade, systems " neva " and " cube " , performed a successful battle shooting aerial targets at the test site Shabla in Bulgaria. The nine-day joint tactical exercise of the Army of Serbia and the Bulgarian Army , which is the end , except for the highest officials of our eastern neighbors , was also attended by Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army Gen. Ljubisa Diković , confirmed the quality of the training concept in the anti defense units of the Serbian Army .

The crews of the 2nd rocket and 240 self-propelled missile battalion fired six missiles from "neva" and "cube" . The targets over the sea and with a deafening explosion were hit with projectiles bearing the Serbian flag, the targets being different in their characteristics : rockets " Volkhov " MAB 755, Parachute targets SPM -100 and radio guided , " RUM " targets.

Besides the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army Gen. Ljubisa Diković , the live firing exercise of the 250th Rocket battalion Rocket and Bulgarian missile units was attended by President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevnelijev , Minister of Defence and Chief of the Bulgarian armed forces Angel Najdenov and General Simeon Simeonov, a successful launch of the missile at the test site was carefully observed by the Ambassador of Serbia to Bulgaria Vladimir Ćurgus .

General Diković deemed the live firing as very successful.
- Today we present one excellent presentation skills of our missile units of anti effects and similar Bulgarian unit, which is the crown of qualification and training. Our soldiers and officers lived up the task, and all targets were hit , which is rarely seen, which only bespeaks of the level of training demonstrating we can accomplish all tasks with the systems and resources at their disposal. What we have seen today is the product of several months of work , rehearsing, hard training and sacrifice our soldiers and officers of deserved every form of recognition - said the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army , General Ljubisa Diković .

Speaking about the importance of joint military exercises of the two armies , President of the Republic of Bulgaria and the supreme commander of the armed forces Plevnelijev Rosen said that the participants demonstrated their knowledge and training on various tasks .

- I'm fascinated with the speed and precision with which two army units operated and showed their quality. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Bulgarian and Serbian generals , and all the officers and soldiers , because only through cooperation can we guarantee peace and security in the region.

Combined crews of both Serbian and Bulgarian army on “neva" and " cube " systems consisted mostly members who had participated in live shooting exercise for the first time , but they were by-side colleagues who participated not the previous two exercises on the coast of the Black Sea coast, in 2010 and 2011.

Leader and commander of the exercise Major - General Miodrag Gordić and Brigadier General Dusko Žarković expressed their satisfaction with the professional work and dedication of members of the 250th Rocket Brigade of the Serbian Army .

- You cannot have a good missile crew without live shooting and I ma pleased we have managed to perform all battlefield shooting . We launched 12 missiles, and all hit the target, just like the previous 21 missiles, and that is a fantastic result , said Deputy Commander of the Serbian air force General Gordić and recalled that this is a battlefield shooting at the final part of a process that takes years .

Commander exercises " Shabla 2013", and 250 Rocket Brigade for PVD , Brigadier General Dusko Žarković, expressed his satisfaction with the results, pointing out that the most important thing is that students undergo the most difficult segments of training , members of the Serbian Army are trained for real situation, shooting targets in the air .

Joint tactical exercise " Shabla 2013", which, despite the extreme complexity has been successfully implemented for the third time , besides checking crew training missile systems once again enabled the members of the two armies exchange experiences and thus contributing to raising their level of interoperability. The missiles of the Serbian army were launched from Bulgarian rocket systems which a clear demonstration of the principle of mutual capacity utilization - "Shared Defence ."

Live firing at Shabla is very important due to the fact that they represent a regular activity in preparation and organization engaged all levels of the defense system.