Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Participation in Balkan CHODs Conference

Today, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, has participated in the 15th Balkan CHODs Conference in Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia. 
  This year's Conference was an opportunity for regional CHODs to exchange experience and views, not only on the use of armed forces in addressing the latest challenges in the national and regional contexts, but also on other issues of relevance to further development of regional defence cooperation.
In his address at the Conference, General Mojsilović reiterated the Serbian Armed Forces’ commitment to further enhancing military-to-military cooperation and strengthening relations and confidence among the armed forces of member states of this regional initiative. 
  According to him, in this very place, only a week ago, regional leaders attended the Open Balkan Summit, which has already yielded practical results at both political and economic levels. He also emphasized that good neighbourly relations and cooperation with everyone in the region were one of Serbia’s foreign policy priorities.
Chief of the General Staff believes that all of us in the region are interdependent and that it is in our interest to work closely together and arrive jointly at solutions to the problems burdening all nations in the Balkans.
During his stay in Ohrid, General Mojsilović had bilateral meetings with Greek, Romanian and North Macedonian CHODs, and with Commander of the US Army Fifth Corps.
The Balkan CHODs Conference, which was established in 2006, brings together the representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, North Macedonia, Turkey and Montenegro. Its goal is to strengthen the military-to-military cooperation between the countries in the Balkans in response to the latest security challenges, risks and threats. The Conference was also attended by the guests such as high representatives of EU, NATO and the USA and the Armed Forces of Croatia. 
  Belgrade hosted the Balkan CHODs Conference in 2009 and 2018, while the host of the 16th Conference to be held next year will be the Republic of Bulgaria.