Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces Units demonstrate capabilities in “Dedinje“ barracks

President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, State Councilor and Minister of National Defence of the People’s Republic of China General Wei Fenghe and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović attended today the demonstration of capabilities of some of the Serbian Armed Forces units in the “Dedinje“ barracks.
Members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade demonstrated their martial arts and climbing skills and segments of counter-terrorist action in urban environment, after which members of the Special Purpose Military Police Squad “Kobre“ also showed their counter-terrorism skills by demonstrating the procedure for preventing vehicle hijacking.

The guests watched the Guard members perform their drill to the accompaniment of the Guard’s Orchestra, after which they had the opportunity to see old models of escort vehicles that are kept in the Guard’s vehicle park, some of which are quite rare but are kept in running order despite their model years. Two Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman cars were also shown. They have been in use in the Serbian Armed Forces since 1965 and the President of the SFRY used to ride in them on a number of official appearances.
At the end of the demonstration, some of the equipment, weapons and movable assets used by the Serbian Armed Forces were presented.