Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović gets Covid-19 vaccine together with members of the armed forces

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has received China's “Sinopharm“ Covid-19 vaccine at the mass vaccination site at the Belgrade Fair. Mass vaccination started today and the Minister was vaccinated together with members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence, and according to him, about 700 service members will receive the Chinese vaccine today.

Stefanović called on the citizens to get vaccinated and act responsibly, primarily towards themselves and their loved ones. He thanked all the medical professionals who had been fighting the coronavirus tenaciously since the outbreak of the pandemic. According to him, their fight deserves deep respect and admiration, and by getting vaccinated we help them and show them true respect and gratitude, because we will reduce the number of patients and thus make medical workers’ job easier.
- Vaccination is important because that is how we protect our health and the health of our loved ones, our oldest fellow citizens, and everyone else. Today, on a great Christian festival, Epiphany, I am here, together with the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, to receive the vaccine with one wish - for this to be the beginning of the return of normal life in Serbia - the Minister of Defence pointed out.

He pointed out that, thanks to President Vučić and the Serbian Government, our country had managed to procure a large number of vaccine doses.

- We have absolute confidence in all the vaccines, and I said that I would receive the same vaccine that our soldiers receive.  We wanted to show that we support vaccination and that it is important for everyone’s health – Stefanović pointed out. He thanked everyone who participated in the organization of the vaccination site at the Belgrade Fair, from the Ministry of Health to the City of Belgrade, adding that the vaccination site was functioning perfectly.
- This is proof of how important it is to be united, how much more efficient we are when we work together, because in that way we can beat even fierce opponents such as the coronavirus. The Serbian Armed Forces have always been with their people, they will always be with their people, and so they are today, in the forefront of this new stage in the fight against the coronavirus.
Of course, we will continue helping our citizens through military medical institutions that fight against the coronavirus and other diseases, but also through other types of assistance provided by our soldiers. And that is why it is important for every soldier to be immunized, to receive the vaccine, so that they can continue to perform every task assigned to them by their homeland - Minister Stefanović concluded.