Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The temporary hospital at the Belgrade Fair meets the requirements of the Rulebook

In Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair, where the Serbian Armed Forces have set up a temporary hospital for the admission and stay of persons with mild symptoms of the coronavirus infection, the requirements laid down in the Rulebook for such quarantine sites and hospitals have been fulfilled.

This was confirmed by the Ombudsman Zoran Pašalić on Sunday, after a thorough inspection of the temporary hospital before the arrival of the first patients.

Serbian Armed Forces have arranged an area in Hall 1 for accommodation, dining and watching television, for religious purposes, and books, magazines and the daily press are also available. Showers and hot water are also provided.

Patients have three meals a day including hot lunch and a snack and “Studentski Grad” institution provides food.

The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are responsible for securing the facility, the provision of basic needs related to accommodation and personal hygiene and the disinfection of surfaces at the Fair.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for providing medical care to patients accommodated in the temporary hospital at the Belgrade Fair.