Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Professor Dugin: In 1999, the Serbs woke up the multipolar world

Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and philosopher, sociologist and geopolitician Professor Aleksandr Dugin visited the exhibition “Defence 78” in the Museum of the City of Belgrade dedicated to marking 20th anniversary of defence of the fatherland against NATO aggression.
During the tour, presenting the most significant segments of this exhibition, Minister Vulin spoke to Professor Dugin about the most important moments that marked 78 days of defence of the country during NATO aggression, noting that the exhibition “Defence 78” was a way to preserve from oblivion what had happened in 1999.

Speaking about his impressions, Professor Dugin emphasised that he was deeply saddened by that great tragedy and injustice.

- This is senseless killing of children, and the soldiers who only protected their state and became unnecessary victims of the monstrous aggression. All that has happened recently and right in front of our eyes. I have studied the Serbian history, which is magnificent, but rather tragic too. When I saw this exhibition, I saw the entire Serbian history. It is about great suffering and fate of the Serbian people. That suffering, as it turns out, is for the purpose of higher goals and that is a Christian approach - when people suffer for their identity for their faith, for their state. And that coalition, led by the Americans and NATO Alliance, committed a spiritual crime - Professor Dugin stressed, adding that it was not solely about the fact that it had been a crime against humanity, but it had been a crime against the spirit - they wanted to destroy a great nation on its great mission.

What was particularly difficult at that moment- Professor Dugin added - was the fact that Russia did not come to help.

- The fact that Yeltsin did not send “S-300” to Serbia is an objection to us, the Russians during the 90’. Today, we, the Russians, feel great hatred towards Yeltsin and Gorbachev, who betrayed not just our country, but the country of our brotherly Serbian people as well. I want to say that all the victims of the great Serbian people, from the children and common population, to soldiers, who gave their lives for freedom and independence and dignity of the great Serbian people were not in vain. Maybe it was so that Serbia could show that a small country could resist the entire world and its power. I am confident and I know that it was precisely what happened in Serbia that woke Russia up. Then the change of the state of mind of our people came about. When the Serbs shot the plane down, the Russian people celebrated and it was a national holiday, the Russian people was exhilarated, it danced and sang. The people gathered in front of US Embassy, organised demonstrations and celebrated - Professor Dugin noted, adding that the Russians are grateful to Serbia, because they turned away from the West then. He added that in conversations with many people during his recent visit to China, he had had an opportunity to hear that when US bombs had fallen on Chinese Embassy in Serbia, they had known that it was the end of their relation to the West and they took a different direction.

According to Professor Dugin, the Serbs awoke the multipolar world, they woke Russia up, and they woke China up.

- I can tell you that everything that happens today would not be possible and Russia would not present itself and act like this, as Russia in Syria, and it would not be in a position to make alliances with the states in the post-Soviet area. The Putin’s Russia of the present is a completely different Russia, and the world itself is entirely different. But the world is different today owing to you Serbs, owing to the children who died. Their sacrifices were unnecessary, and accordingly, we can say that those victims, the victims of a terrible tragedy, were the victims in the battle against American hegemony. The Serbs were and are unnecessary victims, all Serbias and those victims should be remembered. All tourists and visitors should be brought here, to this exhibition, so that the people see and learn the truth - where the end of American hegemony started. That end of theirs started here, and some other world order started here as well - Professor Dugin assessed.

As he underlined, he saw all Serbian suffering as a pledge for the future, since even a defeat with Christ is better than a victory with Antichrist.

- The death of Tsar Lazar in Kosovo can be compared to it. He went to fight the evil, and today’s West is pure evil. What we find today in the West is absolute evil, and it is better to lose with Christ and its people. But I am confident that this exhibition is a sign of Serbia’s resurrection and resurrection of the good world, in which children will not suffer, and where there will be no aggression and where individuals will not decide the destiny of an entire nation - Professor Dugin concluded.

The author of the exhibition “Defence 78” in the Museum of the City of Belgrade is Dušan Jovović, and the multimedia and interactive exhibition is divided in eight segments with authentic artefacts from 1998 and 1999.

It is a project initiated by the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. The exhibition displays for the first time video and printed material which have not been presented to the public until now, because the strength of their impact and the way they were recorded back in 1999, and all the material has been digitally processed.

The exhibition is a unique way to show the heroic defence of the country during 78 days of NATO aggression, which started by attack on the FR Yugoslavia on 24th March 1999, without approval of the United Nations Security Council, and it is dedicated to the killed members of military, police and civilians, among whom, unfortunately, there were many children.