Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia



Period: 01.01.2016 - 25.09.2024

Total number of records: 7912

14 Sep 2017
Answering a journalist's question about a new provocation in Kosovo and Metohija and the capture of members of the Red Cross of Serbia, Minister Vulin said that it was an inexplicable attack on a ...
14 Sep 2017
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Ljubiša Diković and his associates attended the many-days multinational command and staff exercise of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ohio National ...
14 Sep 2017
In the Topčider Barracks, today, a ceremony was held on the occasion of the day of the quartermaster, technical and movement and transportation services of the Serbian Armed Forces.
14 Sep 2017
The delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, led by Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Milan Mojsilović, took part in the regular biannual NATO Conference on ...
14 Sep 2017
I extend my sincere greetings to all members of the artillery branch as they celebrate 14th September - the Artillery Day.