Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia



Period: 01.01.2016 - 27.07.2024

Total number of records: 7811

08 Aug 2017
The Head of Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Council of Military Sports – CISM, Brigadier General Siniša Radović and the President of Ski Association of Serbia, Vladeta Radivojević, have ...
08 Aug 2017
The anniversary of death of the renowned humanist, criminologist and friend of Serbia, Archibald Reiss was commemorated today by a state ceremony held in Topčider Park.
08 Aug 2017
Therole of the national broadcasting service must be to preserve our history, to preserve our memory and our continuity. The nations which can far less rely and adduce their history have offered much more significant responses in the time we live ...
06 Aug 2017
In the Monastery of Mileševa, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin attended the official installation of the Bishop of Mileševa Eparchy Atanasije, hitherto the Bishop of Bihać and Petrovac.
06 Aug 2017
The members of the 37th Mechanised Battalion which are to participate until 11th August in a live-fire tactical exercise in the Western Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian ...