Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister of Defence congratulates on the Day of the Aviation Service

To the members of the Aviation Service, I congratulate 2 August - Day of the service.

With professional and responsible approach to realization of important tasks in peace for over a century of existence, you have confirmed your ability to successfully secure the air space of our country, maintain and improve the operational capabilities of your units and cooperation with aviations of foreign armies.

With your daily efforts, in accordance with the objective possibilities, you modernize your units and successfully answer to the demands of the modern era, confirming the value and prospects of the development of the Serbian Aviation.

With their knowledge, ability and great motivation, knowingly risking their own lives during the engagement in regular duty and in assisting the people of our country, the members of your service manage to perform each task safely and efficiently within the objective limits.

Wishing you to continue performing the assigned tasks professionally and to continue being the pride of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian citizens, I congratulate you on your holiday.