Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of ministers of Serbia and China

Serbian Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic met today with Defense Minister of PR China Chang Wanquan at the margins of the 4th international security conference in Moscow.

Сусрет министара одбране Србије и Кине Gasic and Wanquan discussed possibilities for improving cooperation in the field of military education, and military economic, military technical and military medical cooperation, in accordance with previously determined strategic partnership of the two countries. The second meeting of the two ministers in a short period contributes to successful bilateral military cooperation.

Minister Gasic stressed that cooperation with PR China is one of the key foreign policy goals of Serbia, which, as a militarily neutral country, continues developing balanced cooperation with Eastern and Western partners alike.

During the meeting, it was stated that the two countries have traditionally good and friendly relations, and similar principles of resolving issues in foreign policy. Moreover, Gasic stressed that the Third Meeting of Heads of Government of China and Central and Eastern Europe held in December, 2014 in Belgrade was another incentive to further intensification of cooperation. He thanked for the principled support of PR China for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and added that Serbia firmly supports the One-China policy.

The two ministers also discussed current political security matters.