Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The best in her profession - Jasmina Zafirovic Stijelja

At the Grand football field of the “Jug” base near Bujanovac, a football match was held recently between teams of the Armed Forces of Serbia and KFOR. Spectators, including Head of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic and Major General Salvatore Farina, Commander of the International Forces, rewarded with rounds of applause each successful move of players from both teams. Fair play and regular course of the game were secured by the three referees, headed by Corporal Jasmina Zafirovic Stijelja.

Јасмина Зафировић Стијеља Jasmina’s top-notch presiding over the game came as a surprise for the members of the KFOR, while her colleagues from the Fourth Army Brigade knew well that, at this moment, she is undoubtedly the best in the Armed Forces of Serbia. She began her career as a referee in 2001, and she already gained her status of an international referee in 2009, and, since then, she has been the referee in over 50 international female football matches.

The most important football match that Stijelja has presided over was the semi-finals of the European Cup: France vs. Germany in 2012. Due to her pregnancy, she turned down the offer to be the referee of the latest World Cup, but there is no doubt that she has a prosperous international career ahead of her. This has been confirmed by her excellent presiding over the last year’s game: Bulgaria vs. Kazakhstan, during qualifications for the Women’s World Cup.

When she was young, she played football with boys from her street, winning and scoring goals. Later on, she started training athletics in Vranje, she ran half marathon and marathon races and won first plae trophies in female cadet category. She came back to her first love – football when her athletics club closed. She played for the Female Football Club “Jumko” from Vranje, where she won the Serbian Cup, and she played 20 games for our country’s representation. She met first female referees during the football matches and the idea to actively pursue this career came to life. This was followed by lectures at the referee organization of Vranje, taking the theoretical and practical exam and, soon after, becoming a national football referee.

Corporal Zafirovic Stijelja is a referee of the Female Serbian League and the only one serving football justice at the Male Serbian League East. Unfortunately, Jasmina cannot advance any further in Serbia, due to the position of the Football Association of Serbia that in our country women cannot be referees in male matches in ranks above the Serbian League.

“Football matches can be dramatic, especially when one match is a question of winning the title or dropping the League. However, I don’t fear incidents. I judge by the rules of the Football League and having both teams satisfied is my success”, Jasmina said.

Love for sport has influenced many of her life decisions, including the choice to become a professional soldier. She dedicated her victory at the 800m race at the Serbian Military Championship to her unit.

“I have been in the Army since 2008 and I am exceptionally happy. I conduct my rifleman duties at the 42nd Infantry Battalion, and in the future course of my career, I would like to drive military vehicles, as I used to be a civilian driving instructor for some time”, Jasmina stated.