Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Psychological First Aid

Psychologists of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are participating in the "Psychological First Aid" campaign, in collaboration with psychologists of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Psychologists of the Ministry and the Serbian Armed Forces are in direct link with the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Media and Communications, which is the operational holder of responsibility for forming expert teams for adults and youth, as well as with UNICEF and the Centre for Interactive Pedagogy, which are responsible for the professional teams for children. All actors of the "Psychological First Aid" campaign are in coordination with the City Secretariat for Social Welfare and the Red Cross.

Psychologists of the Ministry and the Serbian Armed Forces will participate in the provision of psychosocial support to persons evacuated, rescue teams and teams that will carry out the restoration of the terrain. Support for the campaign was provided by the Psychological Association of Serbia, Institute of Mental Health, Faculty for Security Studies and other health and academic institutions.

Coordination of all activities will be organized through a psychological call centre, located at the Military Medical Academy, which will collect data on all interested professionals – psychologists and psychiatrists who wish to participate in the "Psychological First Aid" campaign. Telephone number, at which the interested professionals can apply, every day from 8 am to 8 pm, is 064/87-43-039.

The next day hotline will be opened as a form of psychosocial support to the evacuated and the affected people.