Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The ship with a main equipment sailed for Beirut

Cargo ship “Arslan I“ loaded with the main equipment for SAF infantry company deployed to the UN UNIFIL mission set sail today from the Port of Bar to Beirut.

The participants of the SAF Centre for Peacekeeping Operations, Lieutenant Colonel Bojan Berdon and Major Emil Kirkov managed the complex operation of loading and securing the combat and freight vehicles and containers with armament and ammunition.

During the next five days and nights on the ship carrying the Serbian equipment during her sail across the Mediterranean Sea there will also be three SAF officers there. Together with other members of the Centre for Peacekeeping Operations in Beirut they will organize the unloading and transport of the equipment to the zone of operation in the south of Lebanon.

By conducting this complex logistic support operation in which a great importance is given to the knowledge of the regulations and properly managed international port, customs and administrative procedures, the SAF officers have acquired a significant experience which will be of great assistance to Serbian Armed Forces.