Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Foreign military representatives visit defence industry plants and Military Establishment "Tara"

In the organization of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Defence Policy Sector and Material Resources Sector, foreign military representatives accredited in our country visited the defence industry plants and the military establishment "Tara".

During the visit to the factories "Milan Blagojevic" in Lucani and "Prvi Partizan" in Uzice, foreign military representatives were introduced to the operation, production programmes and future plans. The greatest interest was shown in the gunpowder and small arms ammunition programmes. Defence attachés visited also the "Omorika" hotel where the Director of the ME "Tara" introduced them to the functioning of this institution, facilities and possibilities for cooperation .

The programme was realised with the help of the companies "Serbian Railways" and "Lasta", and it included a driving tour along Sargan osmica and a tour of Mecavnik.

For the wives of the foreign military representatives, they organized a visit to the monastery of Annunciation and the most important cultural and historical sights of Uzice.