Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Promenade concert of the Guard representative orchestra

The representative Serbian Army Guard Orchestra held today in Knez Mihailova a Street Promenade parade in the events marking the Day of the Serbian Army. The repertoire included solemn marches and well known compositions.

"Mars na Drinu" opened the parade, and the sounds of traditional marches and the Serbian Army marches echoed along the main streets of Belgrade. Passers-by were able to enjoy their rich repertoire at Trg Republike. The band of the Guard attracted the attention of many citizens, among which are the largest of them children.

From this year the Serbian Armed Forces Day will be marked on 23 April, when on Palm Sunday 1815, in Takovo, Serbs decided to start the Second Serbian Uprising for the liberation of Serbia from the Turkish authorities. This year the main ceremony on the occasion of the Army of Serbia, "Jablanica 2012" will be held in Leskovac.