Permits for production of weapons and military equipment presented
At a ceremony held today in Belgrade, Brigadier General Slavko Rakić, Head of the Defence Technologies Department, Material Resources Sector, presented, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, permits for the production of weapons and military equipment to the representatives of businesses that met the necessary requirements and received adequate decisions in a regular procedure during 2024.

A total of 22 permits that will be valid for 2 to 5 years have been issued for the year 2024 and three of the companies have received permits for the production of weapons and military equipment for the first time. Currently, a total of 59 businesses in the Republic of Serbia have permits for the production of weapons and military equipment and there is a tendency for this number to gradually increase.
At the ceremony, General Rakić said that “the Ministry of Defence is working hard to implement the programme aiming to equip the Serbian Armed Forces with modern weapons and military equipment, for which significant funds have been allocated over the past few years”, and that “this trend will continue over the next five years”.

According to General Rakić, state-owned enterprises and a significant number of privately owned small and medium-sized businesses that possess permits for the production of weapons and military equipment form a special group of producers of strategic importance for Serbia. The Serbian Defence Industry, he added, is recognized all over the world today, thanks to its products.