Multilateral consultations as part of Planning and Review Process (PARP) at NATO headquarters in Brussels
A delegation from the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, led by acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić, has participated in multilateral consultations to harmonize the 2024 PARP Assessment as part of the Planning and Review Process (PARP), held in the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

The meeting highlighted the importance of Serbia's participation in the Partnership for Peace programme, which helps enhance operational capabilities and ensure the interoperability of the Serbian Armed Forces units necessary for their participation in UN and EU multinational operations. It was also noted that by participating in the Partnership for Peace, Serbia helps build and preserve peace and security in the region and the world, without violating the principle of military neutrality. Also, the progress in fulfilling the partnership goals, which stem from the Planning and Review Process (PARP) as one of the basic mechanisms of the partnership, was underscored.
On the sidelines of the consultations, acting Assistant Minister Bandić met with NATO Assistant Secretary General for Operations Thomas Goffus and Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Boris Ruge. At the meetings, both sides confirmed their determination to continue cooperation and improve it in areas of mutual interest.