Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces at 67th International Belgrade Book Fair
Media Centre Odbrana, Public Relations Department, Ministry of Defence, continues the tradition of presenting its publications at the 67th International Belgrade Book Fair. For book lovers, the renowned military publisher has prepared a rich and thematically diverse range of published works to present at the traditionally well-attended promotions hosting numerous authors.

Under the slogan “The word is free”, which was used to present the Republic of Cuba - the guest of honour at the fair, visitors who stop by the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces' stand located in Hall 1, can find, apart from professional literature on military technology and textbooks in use at the University of Defence, a large number of books intended for a wider readership. In adition to representatives of the publishing house, authors and critics will also speak about 22 new editions belonging to different book series covering history, geopolitics, military technology and journalism.
More than 400 publishers are participating in the 67th International Belgrade Book Fair, and Media Centre Odbrana, as the defence system's only publisher, will present, in addition to its new books, the catalogue of the Central Military Club's Art Collection, as well as a selection of printed materials that accompanied the exhibitions organized at the Central Military Club.

Every day, the Military Film Centre Zastava Film will show its most important films at the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces' stand, while the University of Defence will present itself as part of the promotion of organisational units of the defence system.
Programme of activities of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces at the 67th International Belgrade Book Fair is available here.