Participation in Epiphany Swimming for Holy Cross
This year as well, members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces participated in traditional 26th Epiphany Swimming for the Holy Cross that was held today on Ada Ciganlija in Belgrade.

The event stared with a Holy Liturgy held at St. George's Church on Banovo Brdo, after which Epiphany procession was formed. Cadets of the Military Academy were in the procession, and the procession was led by Chief of Directorate for Human Resources of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Brigadier General Savo Iriškić.
The Chief Referee of the swimming race was Lieutenant Colonel Jevta Vulović from Directorate for Human Resources of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, and, as Priest Aleksandar Jovanović said before blessing all the participants of the event “each competitor who jumps into the icy-cold water of the Sava Lake is the winner because they are helped by faith and fortitude.

Members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces participated in these events organised all over the country to mark today’s holiday.

