Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Telecommunications Service and Signal Brigade Day

The Telecommunications Service and Signal Brigade Day was celebrated in the Serbian Armed Forces commands and units in commemoration of September 20, 1916, when the Decree on Military Telegraph was passed, laying the foundations for the establishment of signals corps in the Serbian army.
  At the celebration, results achieved in the recent period were summarized, congratulations messages were read, awards and commendations were presented to the most deserving individuals, and wreaths were laid at the memorials to the fallen members of the units.
The main event was held at “Banjica” barracks in Belgrade, featuring a parade staged by the members of the Signal Brigade units and a display of modern telecommunications devices and systems this SAF unit has recently been equipped with.
Looking back on the past year’s results, the modernization and additional strengthening of the telecommunications service were highlighted, as well as a high degree of expertise of the telecommunications personnel and their determined effort to ensure the continuous and proper functioning of the Telecommunications Information System of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
  The ceremony at “Banjica” barracks was attended by Head of the Telecommunications and IT Directorate (J-6) of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Brigadier General Mile Vitezović, former heads of this directorate and commanders of the Signal Brigade, representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces units and numerous guests.