Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Rotation of SAF contingent in MINUSCA

The members of the Serbian Armed Forces, who were engaged in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) since March, have returned to Serbia after successfully completing their engagement in this peacekeeping operation.
  Over the past six months, the SAF contingent that included a Role 2+ military hospital was responsible for providing primary and secondary care to UN personnel, handling surgical and other emergencies, providing basic dental care, and carrying out CASEVAC.
In the complex security situation in the area of operation, they successfully completed all assigned tasks, demonstrating the professionalism and competence of the Serbian Medical Corps members. They have been replaced by a new contingent that will continue to look after the health of UN personnel in the capital of the Central African Republic, Bangui.
  The Serbian Armed Forces started their participation in MINUSCA in 2014 by deploying medical and non-medical personnel, and in addition to the Role 2+ Military Hospital staff, SAF members also serve as staff officers and military observers.