Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Tour of SAF units

Today and yesterday, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by associates, conducted area reconnaissance of the Ground Safety Zone and visited certain SAF troops that are performing regular tasks in this part of our country.
He examined the state of affairs in the areas where the Serbian Armed Forces are engaged and talked to the commanding officers of SAF units about the situation in their areas of responsibility.
Having concluded that all necessary conditions have been created for an uninterrupted execution of tasks such as securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Safety Zone, the Chief of the General Staff gave directions for the further enhancement of capabilities of the engaged troops.
  General Mojsilović praised the engaged members of the Serbian Armed Forces for the professionalism, perseverance and dedication with which they carry out assigned tasks on a daily basis, thus contributing to the Serbian Armed Forces being fully dedicated to keeping peace and ensuring security for the citizens of the Republic of Serbia.