Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Training of Hungarian soldiers in CBRN Training Centre

A specialised training for members of Hungarian armed forces with real toxic chemicals has been carried out in the CBRN Training Centre in Kruševac.
During the five-day training, conducted with expert support of certified instructors from the CBRN Training Centre, the attenders have advanced their knowledge on toxic chemicals and got practical training for the work with these substances.

The training was executed in the training area “Ravnjak” wehre the members of Hungarian armed forces were trained to work within patrols of CBRN service, to conduct reconnaissance of contaminated terrain and facilities, apply procedures for the detection of toxic substances, decontamination of arms and equipment, and to administer first aid in case of contact with poisonous chemicals.
This training is but one of numerous activities of bilateral military cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, and it was carried out for the first time in our Centre back in 2016. The significance of such activities of armed forces’ members is reflected in the exchange of experience, strengthening of mutual confidence, and development of the overall relations between the two countries.