Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Training begins for new class of soldiers doing military service

A ceremony to mark the beginning of training for the new class of soldiers doing voluntary military service was held at SAF Centres in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac today.
  Over the last few days, the soldiers have gone through the adaptation period, got familiar with the organization of life and work in the SAF, were issued with hand arms and prepared themselves for the beginning of intensive training.
In the next five weeks, they will learn how to handle hand arms and carry out basic tactical actions and procedures in combat; they will master close-order drills and Service Regulations, all the while improving their physical fitness.
Upon completion of basic training, soldiers will be trained in their branch/service – specific specialties. Following this, they will complete a three-month collective training and be actively involved in performing everyday tasks in SAF units. 
  Young men and women aged 19 to 30 are eligible for voluntary military service, and can apply to the competition which is constantly open.