Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Study visit to Mixed Artillery Brigade

The 69th class attending the Command and Staff Course at the “Field Marshal Radomir Putnik” School of National Defence visited the Mixed Artillery Brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces today.
  The aim of the visit, which is included in the curriculum for the Command and Control subject area, is to acquaint the course participants with the specific nature of this unit and the prospects for the development of artillery.

The visit was an opportunity for the Command and Staff Course participants to learn about the Mixed Artillery Brigade’s purpose, missions, tasks and activities and they also attended the brigade's weapons and military equipment display, as well as a mock drill conducted by a battery of 155 mm B-52 M-15 "Nora" self-propelled howitzers.
  The Command and Staff Course is the second level of special officer training programs, where they are trained to command battalion-sized tactical units and perform staff duties in tactical- and operational-level commands.