Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

President Vučić arrives at Pasuljanske Livade

President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić has arrived at the “Pasuljanske Livade” Training Ground where he will attend the Serbian Armed Forces-Ministry of Interior joint tactical live-fire exercise “Severac 2022” (North Wind 2022) alongside Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović.
The SAF-MOI joint tactical exercise is the final segment of intensive training activities conducted at Pasuljanske Livade this week. These planned activities aim to improve the competence of commands and certain SAF and MOI units for carrying out tactical and fire missions in preparation for and during operations and for organizing joint actions and cooperation.