Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers undergo specialist training in Air Force and Air Defence Training Centre

Specialist training for soldiers performing their military service as of June this year is underway in the Air Force and Air Defence Training Centre at the "Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović" military airfield in Batajnica.
In this Training Command unit, soldiers are being trained for several specialties within the Air Defence artillery-missile branch and air surveillance and early warning, and technical services.
During the six-week training, they learn how to use weapons and military equipment and go through tactical, weapons and physical training in order to acquire necessary skills for handling Air Defence artillery-missile systems, and train as missile and radar-computer system operators and aircraft technicians.

The focus is on practical training with L/70 "Bofors" anti-aircraft guns, "Neva", "Cube" and "Strela 2M" anti-aircraft missile systems, "Supergaleb" G-4 aircraft, and stationary and mobile air observation centres.
  At the end of this period, soldiers’ specialist knowledge will be evaluated and collective training will be conducted in SAF units, where they will utilize the acquired knowledge and skills and be involved in daily assignments until the end of their military service.