Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Army reconnaissance unit undergoes winter training

Members of the BRDM-2M Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion have successfully conducted a ski training and special winter training at the 51st Ski Training Grounds on Kopaonik Mountain.  
In accordance with the planned activities, the ski training was carried out in the morning, while special winter training was carried out in the afternoon and evening.

Far from ski slopes, the unit members did training in mountain survival, movement in unfamiliar terrain using a map, a ten-kilometre march, and they also practiced reconnaissance patrol tactical activities and procedures in intelligence collection.
Although some of the unit members have “stepped on skis” for the first time, thanks to the PE coach and experienced instructors’ selfless help and professional guidance, after the training, they were all able to ski in challenging terrain.

The BRDM-2M Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion is an Army unit formed in the second half of 2019. It is in the process of building operational capabilities, which is very dynamic, and they have achieved impressive results in a short time.