Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers of the “June 2020” generation take the Oath of Enlistment

The Oath-taking Ceremony of the "June 2020" generation of soldiers doing voluntary military service was held in the "Vojvoda Živojin Mišić" barracks in Valjevo today.
  Addressing the soldiers, the Acting Commander of the Training Command, Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević said that today “in front of the flag, commanding officers and the loved ones, they have stepped in line of the defenders of the homeland”.  

- The defence of the homeland has always been a sacred duty, obligation and honour in this area. I am convinced that you will always remember the words you have spoken. Taking the oath is an important event for every soldier, and it calls for great responsibility. Throughout the turbulent periods of our history, the oath has always had and will always have a sublime and noble value. Oath of Enlistment is eternal - said General Radivojević and added that Serbia is "a country of glorious history, honourable past, proud and brave people."

- As of today, you are members of the Serbian Armed Forces. You should be proud that you are the descendants of glorious ancestors who, in the wars for the honour and freedom of the people and their homeland, showed the price at which freedom and independence are defended. Keep the memory of the greats of our glorious past. Be proud of your country, so that it can be proud of you. Many battles and wars have been permanently engraved in the memory of our people. Each of them is a story about us, our understanding of freedom, life, dignity and human existence. We, the soldiers, continue the honourable tradition of our people and at the same time, performing assigned tasks honourably, we bring the feeling of security and a peaceful life to all the citizens of Serbia - the Acting Commander of the Training Command pointed out.

General Radivojević emphasized that he proudly pays tribute to the soldiers of the March generation who performed all their tasks during the fight against the coronavirus, without a single soldier getting infected.
  - It could only be done through persistent, disciplined and organized work. I believe that you will be at their level, bearing in mind that we have not completely defeated the invisible enemy - said Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević.
Among the soldiers who took the oath today are siblings from Batočina, Katarina and Petar Ilić. The elder sister decided to suggest that she and her brother enlist together.
- I have always been interested in everything that has to do with the military and that is not typical for a woman - said Katarina, and Petar added that he is also interested in the military and that he also loves weapons. They said that they have the support of both family and friends.
- Our peers should also apply. I think that it is the obligation of a young person to serve his or her military duty and that it is important to know everything they teach us here - said Katarina.
  Miloš Nikolić from Novi Sad decided to join the military because he has always wanted to become a professional soldier, and to get additional education afterwards.
- My family is proud. I came to make my family, my city and my only state of Serbia proud. The challenges have already begun, and all my expectations have been met so far. I would like to tell my peers not to wait for military service to become obligatory. Apply for voluntary military service, this country needs young people to enlist - Miloš Nikolić emphasized.
The military ceremony in Valjevo was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, the city of Valjevo, the Serbian Orthodox Church and numerous family members and friends of the soldiers who took the oath.
mp4 (214,02 MB)
The address of Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević
mp4 (38,44 MB)
The statement of Private Miloš Nikolić
mp4 (89,38 MB)
The statements of Privates Katarina and Petar Ilić
mp4 (82,31 MB)
Taking the Oath